Sunday, August 28, 2016

So another Transfer gone by......

So here we are, the End of another 2 weeks. 2 more transfers and I'll
be out of double digits with planners I have left. That's legit!

So I'll get right to the point (what, no joke this week? how boring -
he's boring now). So Momo (that person going to be baptized in
september, the 25th) is still awesome. She reads, understands, and is
coming to church alot. Hopefully she's going to be ontrack, but you
know Satan sending his hailstorms and whirlwinds to mess us up
(Helamen 5:12). We'll see what happens.

And funny story of the week: according to what the Florida 2nd branch
Believes, Vegetarians are sinners. Here's how it happened:

So we were at the Mormon Helping Hands project, right, and we're
planting some plants for this Day Care so they can teach the kids how
to work, plant, then eat fruit and veg. Good, right? Well it is, why
did you doubt your answer? Anyways, so after, we are eating some fruit
as our rewards for it. Then they somehow bring up meat and veg, and
the first thing that was super funny was the second me or Elder
Avarell made a comment they took it as doctrine. We could have said
"You can only eat meat on tuesday" and they would have believed it.
So, as we sit there and talk about it, Elder Avarell brings up a
scripture in D & C that says basically those who don't eat meat are
not of God, or that's how they took it. So now an Entire Branch
believes that vegetarians are sinners.... Eish. Not our best moment.

Other than that, it was just another week. We're going by soweto today
to get some items from home, so it's  gonna be fun to go shopping for
those super cheep statues!

Hope you all are safe and well, I'll send some photos home next week
because this computer is Jack, yo!

...speaking of which, shout out to my cousin Jack for making it through mission!

See you guys in a year in a half, message you next week!

-Elder Schnepf

Another week has gone by...

So with this past week I went on 2 exchanges (switching companions for 24 hours) and it was my first time to leave Florida in nearly 3 months. I have to say it was super nice to go to Township again. Don't get me wrong, town is nice where everyone washes hands and there's food places out the wazoo, but township people have such a nice humble feel to them.

The first was on Tuesday. It was nice to go with the Amazingly funny Zone Leader named Ratsimbizafy. He's one of my favourite Elders here. We had a blast rolling through the township teaching all of their investigators and even giving a priesthood blessing. Then we went over to their dinner appointment and I got to see him get sjamboked by the 19 yr old for almost being late. That girl had so much sass, I swear! I couldn't stop laughing.

Then I went to Soweto, the biggest township in Africa. I got to have another Kota while I was there, but I made sure to stick to only just one. I will not be getting chubby cheeks, no way! Also got to teach the stake president's mom while I was there. That was pretty legit.

Then I came back to florida. I love florida, don't get me wrong. This area is awesome and cool, I just don't feel like I'm in africa anymore while I'm here. Township and village is where you really get a feel for what Africa is like.

So anyways, Momo (that super powerful investigator incase you didn't remember because you didn't read last weeks email. You break my heart for every email you don't read) accepted a date to be baptized on. It's gonna be super cool for some Elders  down the road who baptize her. I don't think I'm going to be around for it though. I just have that feeling.

Anyways, so I also heard some legends about other missionaries who have been here. It's always nice to hear the stories of those elders before me.

Here I am in Africa still. I can not believe it's already been 7 months. Time flies. I've said it a million times before, and I'll say it a million times after. Mission really does fly. I can't believe it. 

Also, if you guys wanna keep me posted on the Olympics, I would love you forever. no joke. I gotta know how the BACK TO BACK WORLD WAR CHAMPIONS are doing.

Also, here's a ton of pictures incase you were missing me.

I'll be home in  no time it seems. This mission can't slow down either from what I can tell.

Stay awesome everyone. Don't die. And eat Tacos. Tacos don't exist here. I know, it's depressing.

-Elder Schnepf

So today hurt, ALOT...

So once upon a time, I got covered in Paint.... I'll get to that.

So this week was pretty cool. We went to a Area Seventy's home because he lives in the Ward.... *That's not terrifying at all.* Nah, he was super cool and we got to just share a small message with him and his family. Elder Mdleshe or something along those lines of how you spell it... Yeah.

Also, so We got to visit a ton of Member Families this past week.... Mainly because I hate towns but that's not the point. It was fun to sit down with the members and just say hi and what not..... I also fixed a LOCKY Virus that was on a Senior Couples computer, because I'm a BOSS!!!!!

...and I had google.... Yeah. Still, I got rid of a computer Virus. In Africa. Yeah. Not really cool I guess..... Man I'm a loser.....

Continuing though, this week that Super Powerful Investigator, Momo, was at church!!!! That was Legit. Like, it literally made my week! Also there was some one there named, I KID YOU NOT, Imbruce. That is his name. I swear on my missionary career. Yeah. They are both super awesome and we will be teaching them some more till they are baptized or lock their doors.... we'll see which comes first.

I also got to see the JW center for Africa.... yeah, totally didn't T.P. it, I swear...... yet.....
It's in this town called Krugersdorp (or KrugersDOPE.... I kid because I am still under 20). It's the most American Part of South Africa. It's Super nice and has nice places to eat.... it's just in a different zone, which sucks. One day I want to tour the JW place... and leave passalong cards everywhere..... yep.

So back to today: why was I covered in Paint? Well we paintballed as a Zone of course! It was our Zone against the other zone, 
Sowete vs Roodepoort.

AND IT HURT!!!! It was so much fun. And you hear that Kimbles? Don't be thinking I'm going out of practice. I'll come home shooting just fine.

Alright, that's my story for the week See you next week.

I love all of you guys!

-Elder Parker T Schnepf

This place is getting more like home...

So this last week was funny. Yes I'm being straight forwards with it, deal with it.

So me and Elder Avarell were walking around contacting yesterday. We stopped a man who just got home and was closing his gate. He was super nice and super mean at the same time. He was the nicest mean guy I've ever met. He told us to F off, called us Irish, then we said we were from America and he opened the gate to invite us in for cold drink (soda). He never yelled, never got mad, just was super honest, super nice and super mean. I can't but laugh at him.

Also, JW's know the church very well here and actually have a class on "How to Bash with Elders"... Yeah. Love this country. This is why I have "75 question's Jehovah's Witnesses don't like to be asked." Yeah, they fear missionaries here, just because they try and out scripture us. I'll leave it at that.

Also, the members here in Florida haven't had Elders visit them in a long time.That's just super sad, but we were super excited to visit with them.

Also had a super not fun time this week and a super awesome time this week. I'll start with the bad.

So we visited this less active family in this place called Fleurhof (you just try and say it. I will buy you lunch when I get home if you do it infront of me) So we went in and this lady was super nice but wanted to give us back all of her church stuff. Something had happened in the past that the whole family left the church. It really broke my heart to read her super old book of mormon with a personal message from the ELder that gave it to her. Broke my heart bad....

Then we also saw an investigator named Momo. She's the most monotone person on earth. You could have a song that only uses middle c on a piano and she is still more monotone than that. But she read the first three chapters of the book of mormon and accepted to be baptized. And when I say read, I mean she read details and went for a understanding. She might not have seemed excited, but she also wond 2 competitions and got free money and her tone and face never changed.... yeah.

*Oh, and there was this placed called Krespy Kremes. I'm not sure if they have it back home, but some of my district went to the opening today....*

That's my week. Peace!!!

-Elder Parker

"The Time is Far Spent"

...has become a favourite hymn of mine. It's all too true while looking back on where I am now. My last Companion said that at 7 months I'll know how long 2 years is... I don't believe him. The time has flown!

So this past week there was a ANC Rally for the Nelson Mandela Political party. Most people looked at the crowd and just walked off. Me and Elder Broadhead (An elder That knows Ty Palmer, surprise!) saw it as potential and they gave us ANC Flyers and we were handing out pass along cards. THAT'S HOW WE ROLL!!!!! It was legit.

So This past week we spent alot of time finding people, or in other words: Talking to every person in sight. We'll see what fruit that bears.

Also, so it's just a tad bit hard now because all the people that we visited when I came in are now baptized or not interested. Bummer for me but that's fine, more people to find!

Sister Thembi is doing way better too, just as an update. Yeah. That's all. Deal with it.

I look back at the time, and I can't believe I've been in Africa for so long, yet feel like I just got here. People say time goes fast, and it's true. You miss it when it goes by. I want to get home just to tell the stories in person, yet I don't want to leave because this feels like home.... 

Also I bug my companion because I teach in my sleep sometimes. Yeah, I teach about Jesus in my sleep.... Be ready always I guess.

Anyway, here's a picture of a poster thing that's been in the flat who knows how long. And Here's Elder Avarell. The California boy.


That's all I got. This week was kinda boring for us.

Skis, nie?

Stay Well, and eat Tacos. Tacos don't exist here.

-best cousin in the world and most amazing self proclaimed Elder Schnepf Because there's another one in Washington Elder Schnepf

What a WEEK!!

First off, Elder Avarell is my New Companion incase you didn't read last weeks email. If you didn't read last weeks, why not? Did I get boring?

So this last week as we were going out and visiting people, one of the Recent converts we visited was going through a super hard time. She broke into tears seconds after we asked here how she was doing. She had here children come down to visit with her for winter break (yes I said that right, it's Flipping COLD down here!) and her Grandmother no longer wants them to stay with her. She was in tears most of the time, and the whole time she was talkng I couldn't but feel the prompting to offer her a blessing of Comfort and Council. During it, i had tears streaming down my face from the spirit that was felt. After wards, she was calm and happy.

...and no I'm not a wuss, My eyes were just so focused that the stress caused them to sweat. While I had a breathy voice. And felt love. Yeah.

Also, me and Elder Avarell nearly Died 3 times in one night trying to find our dinner appointment on Friday. Yeah, he's a California driver with a stick shift.... yeah. It was Fun!

But when we got there, I was super surprised to see Sister Ramagwe (spelling) there. She was My districts MTC teacher. She's in my ward. (By the way, Moroni District, she says Hi!). It was awesome to see here and her return Missionary Fiance. They are going to be married super soon, and it was nice to show her how I've grown in 6 months.

Anyways, those are my stories for the week. The church is still true, I'm still an Elder, and Also JW's hate my guts. It's fun to be a missionary!!!!!

-Elder Parker T Schenpf

My 4th was... Lame

We didn't get to play sports. We didn't get to party at all. It was super lame. I'm glad y'all had a ton of fun back home though. 

But it was an amazing week. Saw a super powerful Lady named Adphil. We came up to her and she immediately loved us because we weren't Jehovah's Witnesses. She will always have a place in my heart because of that. She's super ready to accept the Gospel, we just need to get her to read the book of Mormon.

Speaking of that, we've been going to a bible study group for the past 3 weeks now. I can not tell you how much this pastor said "Praise the Lord" or "Praise God".... I tell you if I had a Rand for every time he said it I'd have enough to not only take me through 2 years but to also buy my own ticket home.... Needless to say it was full of Vain Repetition. He used Christ's name as a period. Super sweet family man though with 3 kids. He accepted the Book of Mormon as a gift and is going to read it. 

Also, I gave a blessing of comfort and council to a member named Dumizani. I literally had a heart attack at what I said. He was going to pretoria to get some paperwork for his ID, and with the blessing I gave him It sounded as if I was preparing him for war.... I prayed super hard for him needless to say. He's super fine though, which is awesome.

So my super amazing companion Elder Campbell is going to move on to be a ZL, which means I'll still be here in florida. I really can't wait to see how well he does, but I'm gonna miss him. I'm gonna miss him saying "I love you" every night and me saying "don't be gay". we got along super well.

I have only been companions with DL's though, which either I suck or that President Dunn is preparing me for something big..... 

So Needless to say 6 months has flown!!!!! I'll be home tomorrow, just you watch. It's gonna be 2 years before you guys know it.

I love you all.

Elder Schnepf